Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Tuesdays are great.  It's mommy and Brynn day.  Although I love Clara and Reese dearly, it's so much fun just hanging out with Brynn.  She's such a joy and fun kid to be around.  She will do things like run up to me, look up and say "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy..." until I look down and say "yes", then a great big smiles grows and she says "hi" and runs off.

We do our grocery shopping on Tuesdays at 9:45am (right after I drop Reese off at school).  Brynn's excitement builds as we pull into the parking lot and get out of the car.  She looks eagerly around for the grocery carts shaped like a car and then points and yells "Car!!"  All through the store she waves and says "hi" to anyone we pass with her beautiful smile.

She found this hat the other day and has been wearing it non-stop.
Playing Peek-A-Boo with the camera

Weather's Warming Up!

 We've had an amazingly beautiful Spring this year with temperatures in the 70's and 80's for the past month.  This rarely happens.  Most of the time it goes directly from blistery winter weather of high 40's/low 50's to humid and hot (90's).  We've had the windows open so often and the girls have been playing outside everyday!

Clara pretending to be an elephant in her mud hole she dug.

Brynn loving the "let it all out" weather!

Fun at the Zoo.

We went to the Houston Zoo the other day (along with everyone else in Houston).  Despite the crowds, it was a fun day and the girls loved seeing all the animals. 

I love this picture!  It just warms my heart.

And this one too!
It's funny....Clara and Reese fight all the time and Reese and Brynn fight a lot.  But Clara and Brynn never fight.  Clara is so patient and tolerant of Brynn and Brynn looks up to Clara so much.

Apparently, I didn't feel like taking pictures of the children's faces that day.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing Up!

 Look who learned to tie her own shoes today!

Sweetie Pie

We had a guest from Clara's school classroom spend the week of spring break with us!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Visting Daddy at Work

Since Clara's off from school for spring break and I refuse to take all 3 kids anywhere in public especially during spring break when everyone is out of school, we went to visit Daddy at his work.  The girls really enjoyed this and thought it was really neat to see Daddy's desk.  Clara told us later that she thought Rob had his own room with a computer displaying the amount of money he either was making or losing. 

We then went to eat lunch in the building's cafeteria and the girls did really well, though Brynn kept taking down the waiting line ropes and the kids were blocking most of the other people.

All in all it was a fun time.

Brynn making some trades.

Clara was fascinated that the mouse courser could go across all of Rob's screens.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's been less than a year!!

I am very proud of myself that I haven't let the blog go unattended for more than a year again.  So, to fill all two of you readers in on the last 6 months of our lives here are some snapshots:
This is what happens when one sister allows another sister to do her makeup.
Brynn riding her first horse!
We got a new kitten in November.  She's a fun cat who loves to play
but will always sleep with Reese when she's watching TV.
Daddy named our new kitten Smokey.
Clara, Reese, Papa, and Jennifer attended the Repa reunion in San Angelo, TX.
Those are some cotton fields that my cousins farm behind the girls.
Brynn was a chubby little purple flower for Halloween.
Reese was a pink fairy.
Jennifer at Reese and Brynn's Thanksgiving feast at preschool.
Clara sung at her school's Christmas program.
The girls opening some Christmas presents at Nana and Papa's house.
Brynn up on stage for her birthday song at preschool.
(apparently there was a 3 month lapse in picture taking)
Brynn digging into her birthday cake.
Brynn has already been bestowed to marry this stinkin' cute little boy named Brooks.
Bailey and Brynn at the Houston Rodeo yesterday.